Organizations and Groups

Artists and Individuals

Andys Skordis


Andys Skordis is a Cypriot composer born in 1983. He studied composition at Berklee College of Music and at the Conservatorium Van Amsterdam, with additional studies in Karnatic music with Dr. Rafael Reina and in Balinese Gamelan at ISI Denpasar in Bali. His work list includes operas, orchestral and chamber pieces, gamelan music, vocal works, and music for dance, theatre and short films. As a composer he finds inspiration in the primordial human nature, which is expressed as a representation of a contemporary ritual characterized by tension and mysticism in his music. These incentives have been expressed through various music theatre performances in site specific locations like quarries, temples, abandoned buildings, and so on. He has received international recognition through various prizes including the BUMA Toonzetters Prize, one of the highest composition prizes in The Netherlands, the 1st prize in composition by the ministry of culture in Cyprus, The Black Pencil Prize 2020, as well as awards from ISCM, Third Coast Percussion Group, Listhus and more. Besides composing he is the founder of PATSIAOURA ensemble and Athens Gamelan Orchestra, plays guitar with Monsieur Doumani and he is an artistic collaborator with the Greek National Opera. At the moment he lives in Amsterdam where he teaches at the Conservatorium Van Amsterdam and composes music.




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