Insitu Recordings

Sekaa Saron Luang Alit Semaradahana
Gong Luang Alit Semara Dahana was founded by Jro Gede Petangan as a form of appreciation for art at the Centenary Commemoration of Puputan Badung (20 September 1906 – 20 September 2006). The noble goal of reviving Gong Luang, which has existed since the Udayana Kingdom, is to transform the spirit of the Puputan Badung War to the younger generation through art education, so that the youth can deepen their understanding of the struggle of the hero Puputan Badung in expelling the invaders from Bali. This is one form of appreciation given by the government in preserving Balinese culture and inflaming the spirit of the current puputan, namely fighting poverty, ignorance, backwardness so that they can realize the Badung people in particular, Bali and Indonesia in general in a better direction and have the fighting power to never give up in fighting. facing today’s global competition.

