Insitu Recordings

I Putu Juni Suta Widnyana (Junik)
I Putu Juni Suta Widnyana (Junik) was born in Pancardawa on June 9, 1997, and is the first child of I Gede Arsa and Ni Ketut Artini. His interest in gamelan jegog began at age 7, and by age 14 he was already participating in gong kebyar events at the Bali Arts Festival. Since then he has participated in jegog, baleganjur, and gong kebyar competitions at festivals in Jembrana and the Bali Arts Festival. Initially just a hobby, encouragement from his parents has allowed him to continue to develop his knowledge of gamelan, especially about styles from his own area.
Lingkungan Pancarawa, Kelurahan Pendem, Kecamatan Jembrana, Kabupaten Jembrana, Bali, Indonesia

