Insitu Recordings

LDGU (Paolo Rossi)

Ldgu (1985, Italy). Ldguʼs opuses span from experimental music to field recordings. Self-taught musician, he has been initially involved in Bolognaʼs underground scene (2004/2013). His first record label, Lil Pitch Records, focused on UKʼs and USAʼs sound-system cultures like hip- hop, dubstep and footwork: DJ Earl, The Host, Clap! Clap!, and DJ Pinch are among those released by Lil Pitch. In 2013/2015 he moved to Surakarta, where he studied karawitan, jaranan, and the drone musics of Borneoʼs Kayon and Kenyah people. While living in Central Java, he has also had the opportunity to develop his improvisation techniques thanks to the studies carried on with Prapto Suryodarmo and Mugiyono Kasido, masters of contemporary Javanese dance. Lately, heʼs been releasing albums through his new label, Tresno Records. His works have been broadcast by BBC, Rinse FM, Boiler Room, NTS Radio, Rai Radio 3, and discussed by critics such as Simon Reynolds.


