From Issue 2

5 Questions

Ni Made Ayu Dwi Sattvitri, I Putu Suta Muliartawan, I Made Terip, Shawn Sekiya, Rosemainy

We asked 5 people 5 questions

Ni Made Ayu Dwi Sattvitri

Sattvitri merupakan seorang musisi dan komposer muda wanita yang sudah memiliki pengalaman di dunia gamelan Bali. Dia mengatakan sangat senang bisa bergabung dengan Insiturec Session 5, karena bisa bertemu dan belajar bersama orang-orang hebat dalam dunia musik. Tujuan saya kedepannya ialah ingin memajukan musik tradisi di Desanya dengan cara mengajarkan anak-anak memainkan beberapa alat musik yang tersedia di rumahnya, dan dia ingin bisa mengikuti jejak para komposer di lingkungannya. Banyak pretasti yang pernah diraih oleh wanita ini , antara lain : juara favorit lomba makendang tunggal, juara 1 lomba gong kebyar anak-anak, juara 2 lomba tari baleganjur, juara 2 lomba gender wayang, dan juara 1 lomba FLS2N tingkat provinsi.

Shawn Sekiya

Shawn is a normal human who likes art and music and such but is a little troubled by cultural industries, or at least hasn’t had the gumption or fortitude to really make a go of it there, or, more positively, also imagines himself contributing to humanity in more concrete, blood and guts and tears kinds of ways so he is currently becoming a nurse. He seems content to imagine, and in a small way enact, a world where amazing music is less professionalized and routinely played by humble folk. He lives in Vancouver and plays with Gamelans Gita Asmara and Bike-Bike.


Rosemainy has been a gamelan enthusiast since the very first day she met Javanese gamelan music. Her love at first sight in gamelan made her explore this traditional art form deeper; from the Javanese gamelan to Sundanese gamelan, and she is now the artistic director of Singapore’s only professional Balinese gamelan ensemble, Gamelan SingaMurti, under the parent company of Gamelan Asmaradana Ltd. She has been actively travelling to Indonesia, especially the island of Bali, learning the Balinese gamelan with well-known and respectable musicians/professors: I Dewa Ketut Alit, I Nyoman Kariasa and have also worked with internationally acclaimed dancer, Kadek Dewi Aryani.

Besides being a passionate musician herself, she has directed a handful of productions:

from DUAlism – It Takes Two (2013), a Gamelan conceptualized concert showcasing music and dance, a theatrical production titled Sang Lear – A Story of Power and Inner Struggle (2014), both accompanied with the philosophical beliefs of Good and Evil, WANDALI – Tiga Swara, Satu Irama (2015) parked under ETHN!K:BEATS – Where Artistes Unite Festival, where all three Gamelan (Java, Sunda, Bali) performed simultaneously on stage, collaborating with Republic Polytechnic’s Dikir Barat, Wira, and the energetic Nadi Singapura, and the recent Sedasa:Sedulur:Seirama – a 10 year anniversary concert by Gamelan Naga Kencana.

Also known as Kak Rose amongst the gamelan community, she has been actively composing new Kreasi for gamelan groups; from schools participating for Singapore Youth Festivals, to various youth ensembles, and is now an active composer for her Balinese gamelan ensemble, Gamelan Singamurti, recently produced and composed an EP titled Nunas Taksu: Seeking Guidance

I Made Terip

I Made Terip is an internationally renowned gamelan musician hailing from Munduk in north Bali. He is an expert instrument tuner and builder, specializing in bamboo ensembles. As a composer he has written important works for numerous groups throughout Bali as well as for his own group Teripittaka. He has acted as artist residence for gamelan groups outside Bali including California’s Gamelan Sekar Jaya.

This recording was made at the second North Balinese Culture Conference, held in Singaraja during the summer of 2013. For the occasion, the Taksu Foundation (led by Henrice Vonk and Heidi Hinzler) sponsored a performance of Lelonggoran, Sekatian and Embat-Embatan repertoire from I Made Terip’s group in Munduk with the goal of promoting the music. A team from RRI Singaraja was asked to record it, but the sound quality was unsatisfactory. This is a backup recording produced by Éric Vandal using a small field recorder. Pengembak Suara, part of the Sekatian repertoire, was one of the pieces recorded during that session. Many thanks to Éric Vandal for allowing us to include this recording here.

I Putu Suta Muliartawan

Memulai bermain gamelan pada usia 5 tahun dan bergabung pada Sekaa Gong Anak-Anak Putra Jaya di desanya. Alumnus SMK 5 Denpasar ini, aktif dalam acara Pesta Kesenian Bali sejak tahun 2011. Pada tahun 2015 menyelesaikan studinya di ISI Denpsasar. Dengan karya tugas akhir yang terkonsep dari sebuah permainan rubik ke dalam sebuah bentuk musik kontemporer yang menggunakan teknik polyrhythm serta menggunakan media ungkap gender wayang besi yang disetting warna suaranya dengan memasang jepitan baju pada setiap bilah-nya sehingga sesuai dengan kebutuhan komposisi tersebut yaitu menghasilkan suara gamelan yang lebih “nek”.

Insitu Recordings

People and organizations mentioned in this article

I Made Terip (Terip)

I Made Terip is a musician and gamelan composer from Munduk Village, Buleleng, Bali. Since he was young, he has been practicing his talent by joining the gamelan dance group, Joged Bumbung. Apart from teaching local musicians in his village, Made also active in performing abroad, and has even been a guest lecturer at several campuses and groups in Europe and America.


Rosemainy is a gamelan musician, composer and educator. Traditionally trained in gamelan for the past 10 years, Rose looks forward to creating and collaborating with other art forms and practitioners. Fueled by the philosophy of gamelan, in which establishing a relationship between the musician and the music requires more than hitting the right notes, Rose aspires to ascend towards rasa – the highest form of aesthetics in karawitan.

I Putu Suta Muliartawan (Jo)

I Putu Suta Muliartawan, A.K.A Jo was born in the village of Kerambitan, Kab. Tabanan on March 10th 1993. He began to play gamelan at the age of 5 when he joined Sekaa Gong Putra Jaya. He participated in the children’s gong kebyar competition at the Bali Arts Festival (PKB) in 2011 and the adult competitions of 2013 and 2014. He recently completed his S1 at ISI Denpasar. His composition for the final exam was realized by transforming a Rubik’s cube into a form of contemporary music using polyrhythms. The piece was performed on iron gender wayang with clothespins attached to each key in order to transform their timbre.
Br. Tengah Kawan, Desa Kerambitan, Kec. Kerambitan, Kab. Tabanan, Bali, Indonesia

Ni Made Ayu Dwi Sattvitri (Sattvitri)

Ni Made Ayu Dwi Sattvitri is a Balinese gamelan musician born in 2000 who is currently learning to compose Balinese karawitan music. Sattvitri able to play Balinese gamelan instruments such as Gender Wayang, Balinese Kendang, Selonding, and others. However, the gamelan she likes the most is Gender Wayang. Sattvitri became interested in Balinese gamelan when he was 7 years old, started by seeing people learning to play the gamelan at her house. Apart from being a musician, she also teaches Balinese gamelan to children in her area. Sattvitri started studying composition at the age of 17 and still learning until now.
Jl. Jempiring no 13, Br. Pemebetan, Desa Kapal, Kab. Badung, Bali, Indonesia

© Insitu Recordings 2018